"I'd recommend you get one of those Bluetooth headsets. That way people just think you're the local douche."

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I really enjoyed this show. An outstanding Rami Malek gives an awesome performance. Not easy to follow and to understand, you have to keep your heads together. Some great quotes too, such as : "The world is a dangerous place, Elliott, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing".
Looking forward to season 2 !

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This was agreat season finale that sets up the next season so well. Some viewers here are commenting about that the season didnt answer all the questions... Well, did you watch the actuall final, final ending scene. It may be a bit of an easter egg, but after the credits finish at the very end, the actual final scene resumes with a very telling scene that answers many questions about who is behind Fsociety. The last quote to spoken to White Rose inside the EVIL Corp CEO mansion refers to an historical classical music piece meaning that may bring some important burning questions answered. This show deserves all of its critical aclaim and awards that is just sweeped up from Critics Choice Awards for Best Drama, and both best actor and supporting actor!

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So weird that it was so similar to the shooting that they had to postpone.

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The ending scene, its the rich people all came together in a house listening to the same song that the band was playing when Titanic was sincking!

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I really enjoyed this show! I'm looking forward to the season 2. But that ending gave me the feeling that the season ended missing 1 episode, was very vague, with too many unanswered questions...

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I was really hoping they would not end season 1 like this but I knew they would.

A good ending would seemingly tie up all losse ends until the very end which shows a cliff hanger. They got the cliff hanger right but they tied up nothing at all, which just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, especially after waiting an extra week for it.

Also, I'm not sure why they delayed it, I didn't see anything that related to last weeks news at all.

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A really great script. This show delivered a good episode. Hope they keep this up. (Although, I very much doubt it, no TV show can pull that off and keep itself on the top forever with the same high quality events, well! fingers crossed).

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This is a good season 1 of a great show. It's not my favorite show ever but, it's far more interesting than Outcast, Preacher, and Animal Kingdom. Glad I could binge watch this. I'll def be back for season 2.

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"He knows the passworld, which means i know the password."
I see what you did there. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Season 1 has been quite ordinary for me so far, can see where the appeal is for certain people though. Hopefully season 2 does a better job.

The Devil Wears Prada.

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This was weird and it left a lot of questions open.

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Weak ending to a great show, way too many questions unanswered.

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Till this episode was great, I don't know, I just didn't like this season finale, they left too many questions in the air and focused more on Elliot's problem that in what he did (and how) and that final scene with that people, well, they just leave us full of question and not a single answer of anything. Good show, and it's great that it's gonna be a second season but they should've given us a little more considering all the time we'll probably have to wait for it.

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Oh man, such a good finale! Incredible build up to season 2, and feels like season 1 was too short. The writer was using season 1 just to introduce the characters though. Now the fun begins!

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Shout by Aya
BlockedParent2015-09-12T20:00:45Z— updated 2018-09-19T23:54:52Z

"we live in a kingdom of bullshit."

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Shout by João

I KNEW whiterose was a dude. The scene after the credits, guys....

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Shout by Deleted

Can't wait for the s02. This is the best show I've ever seen

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Shout by Deleted

Great ep. Can't wait for next season

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This show is pure art.. it takes you to every corner of your mind.

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The pilot was great, but the series went downhill pretty fast.

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How the heck was this similar to the fake Virginia shooting?

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Try to email [email protected] guys ;)

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Shout by Deleted

it is really disturbing that everything realizes easily. For example, How can Angela work in that position in E-corp ? Should't there be an intro to it. I agree very weak season finale.

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That "Sound & Color" song; wasn't that also in that Apple iPad, or should I say Evil Corp, commercial?

Anyway, definitely got that Fight Club vibe going on. Now onto season 2!

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@op This just in: New season coming July 13th 2016.

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Shout by Deleted

Very unsatisfying ending for a great season.

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Shout by Deleted

Can't wait for the s02. This is the best show I've ever seen

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It was, in general, a solid show, or season, but the end doesn't feel like a season finale, it just looks like a regular episode, nothing outstanding.

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Shout by Deleted

Someone should probably change the titles of the episodes so that it's not the filename of the video...and the actual title for each episode. Just sayin'.

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Though the post-credits twist was nice, this was a filler episode at best, not a finale!

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pode ter sido ao agarrar nela quando ela ta a fugir....

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Shout by Dirk

I liked the show very much an I like to see more of it on the one hand. On the other hand I wonder what should they tell in a second season? Everything is escalated. fsociety got there plan through, the world is in revolution. And now? Which escalation can be told from here on?

Actually, the end was perfect but then a cheap cliff hanger was added after the end credit. I really hope they know what to tell the this series does not get LOSTified.

I am more motivated to see the seasons 1 episodes again then to see a season 2.

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I got very little left to be desired.

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Shout by Deleted


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ended as perfectly as started.

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Posponed for one week omg.

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