“He’s 17!” That line made me laugh so hard! No, he’s the thirty year old assistant manager at your local Abercrombie & Fitch. This show is so terrible but I can’t stop watching.

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now thats a comedy show

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  • Ok so Scooters widow came forward to Peterkin, why is is she silent now?

  • It must have gone some days until the first court scene, what was Sarah doing until now? Same with Pope, why is he try to figure out the key thing now and not before? This actually should've been their no. 1 priority since they came back but I guess parties and booze was more important..

  • Even the adults behave like children now lol

  • Another one of this nice lil lucky coincidences, which happen every few mins in this show, so jus when Rafe is on the veranda theres Wheezies phone jus when Sarahs messaging her, and its not even locked, so nice..

  • Aaand again Pope is in his grannys house lookin for the key, wonderin where is it, where is it hmmm then a cars lights from outside shins onto the roof and BOOM, luckyyyyy

  • Omg I won't even go into what JJ tried to do and how unconvincing it was staged..

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