A secrets piñata is an awesome hilarious idea!!

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Can't pinpoint what it is about this one, but it made me feel very weird.

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Why does Josh say that he's an only child? Did he forget Grace, his half-sister?!

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What a creative and unflinching way to perform an examination of the human capacity for honesty. No time is wasted as we open with the presentation of Tom's piñata, complete with the candor of Josh and Claire's tepid initial reaction and Tom showing how it hurt him, the vulnerability of which seems to catalyze their willingness to share his excitement. While that's going on Arnold calls, reminding us that Josh does, in fact, have a boyfriend but that his impending hookup won't be cheating on him. Then enters Ben, and for the next 20 minutes we witness a highlight reel of all of the most memorable ways in which any of us has likely been awkward around someone new...except it's all handled with grace and understanding, and to an extent that I can only dream of being able to extend to another person, let alone to myself.

I don't know what parallel universe this episode was filmed in, but I'd like to move there...permanently.

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