Again best part of the episode was Tommy. Granted that ending was drama inducing.

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what a great season ender. But if you ask me it seems like no one can trust anyone because there's been double triple quadruple and on and on and on crosses in this world. You literally couldn't trust any one of these people to walk your dog across the street but make for very entertaining TV and should be interesting for next season. I can't wait. :thumbsup::sunglasses::star:

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I wait for monet to be killed. maybe by tommy. But it wont happen. i know.
It was good tasha hit tariq in last episode. he could kill tommy.

and tariq said to tommy "i love you". Maybe the only a few people tariq love

I dont remember about keisha. would she snitch on tariq and tommy really?

and tommy still can go with that car freely. interesting.

we waited for tommy for so long but he already gave advices to tariq! Why does not he help!

i really wanted cane monet dead but tariq could not do. they attacked brayden's father.

Why tasha ruined it. They would think tariq did. how cant she know.

and it is surprising angela's brother is now there.

I would expect tommy to kil cane or even tariq but they dont do.

brayden and tariq is like ghost and tommy. they keep each other, take care. Brayden came for him.

tariq is really stupid to trust them and no backup plans. real family is tasha and tommy but tariq was with others.

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