Ooooh, the plot is thickening nicely, like a tasty gumbo.... All the players stirring the pot as expected, however, Evelyn's fate was an unexpected twist. Are the MIB's friend, foe, or a bit of both?

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Now, this episode definitely brought the whole thing closer to a "The '50s X-Files" kind of show. We got aliens, paranoia, conspiracy theories, a timely death, and even a mysterious man (who didn't seem to smoke, but wears a hat). I'm cool with that, but it saddens me if the show will continue to get this much "inspiration" from the cult classic.

Also, even though I feel that Enzo from The Vampire Diaries has been miscast as Quinn (there's always something off about him), I can't help but enjoy watching him on screen. Maybe it's just The Vampire Diaries fueled nostalgia.

Minor niggles aside, I think the show is entertaining and I do want to see how far away from (or how close to) The X-Files this show will get.

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Good story... With a totally plausible finding.

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A decent outing, but it's becoming obvious that the actual Blue Book cases will be nothing more than framing devices -- with lots of liberties taken -- for the conspiracy stuff. The cute spy continues to be little more than a nice distraction for now, but I suspect that her role will increase over time. The main downside so far has been Quinn's clunky rush to wrap things up and head home prematurely each week, which is already getting a bit tiresome.

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