Good story, wasn't too hard to figure out what happened tho after they dug up a skull instead of remains. That was purty weak.

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Wait.. We sposed to believe this dude just shit an alien, and all that's left is skeletal remains??

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Shout by Jim G.

This one was a nice change of pace on the UFO front. Once the scam became obvious, it made slightly more sense that the scoutmaster would show up at the town hall meeting rather than going straight to the hospital. Beyond that, unless I missed something, someone needs to bone up on their geography since Bowling Green, OH isn't "down" from Columbus or Dayton, but both Hynek and Quinn made the same mistake, and Quinn made it in two separate conversations. Was someone confusing Bowling Green, OH with Bowling Green, KY? And speaking of Quinn, the Communist threat arc is interesting and is more in line with what I expect from The History Channel, so they're doing a good job of combining two topics that were prevalent in that era.

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Shout by kinky

Hot damn! They really got me, this time! For a moment there I honestly thought we were finally getting some actual alien stuff on this show. Definitely one of the most interesting episodes, so far. Well done!

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