Best episode so far. Really starting to like this series. Great chemistry between the two main characters.

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Well, Stevie Wonder could see THAT was coming, but it will still be interesting to see how she sells it to Mimi, now that they know each other biblically. #Me Too or not, I didn't find her Cosby like molestation titillating, just pathetic and sad, as I will now always view her, even as she sought self redemption by offing her handler. Too little, too late. Mimi will either be crushed when she finally realizes the truth, or, they will run off together and start a commune together. Too bad she didn't go and retrieve poor Donna, and put her in the trunk to be found with him. Wouldn't THAT give the neighborhood something to talk about?

Well, hopefully next weeks supposed "Big Reveal" will be worth it...

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Shout by kinky

I liked this show better when it was about debunking allegedly supernatural occurrences. Hynek's rational explanations were always something to look forward to. But, hey, at least we're getting somewhere, now. I think. I mean, Hynek did leave in such a hurry, leaving us behind, totally clueless. But only until the season finale, I hope, which is up next!

Aaaand we finally (almost) got some hot lesbian action, hooray! (I know, I know, it sounds so crude when said like that.)

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