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Project Blue Book

Season 2

A series canceled ahead of time, although it may possibly get a platform where it can continue with a third season, at least. Although the second season has been repetitive, with little-used characters such as the Russian spy, the possibilities open in the last episodes make us wait for a more interesting narrative development. It is as if the second season was conceived as a bridge that causes a change in the story. Now let's see if the creators have a chance to continue it.

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Shame they cancelled this. It had drifted a long way from the first series, but I think it was headed in a great direction with a great cast of characters. Fingers crossed another network picks it up, but seems unlikely this long after the end of season 2.

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Please share the petition on social media by using the hashtag #SaveBlueBook on Instagram and Twitter. Can we reach 10.000 signatures by tomorrow #ProjectBlueBook family?

Please sign the petiton & share it to social media & friends to support #SaveBlueBook

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