Whether by design or coincidence, Blue Books version of the Guvment' is starting to look a lot like the Russian Nesting Doll, deep state, secret agency within a top secret agency, helmed by individuals, each with their own agenda, and all of them trying to be the cool kids and teachers pets at the same time, that we are saddled with today.

AS entertaining as it is, indeed everyone at times seems stuck on stupid, especially regarding their ability to actually keep classified information CLASSIFIED. Files left laying around, for anyone to look at, yes, Mimi's incessant whining about being included and "helping", "Can I peruse the information?, No, I could lose my job, but, let me take your kid for an hour long tour, while I forget my keys in the door." Come on!

Still, it IS entertaining, even if you do have to set your suspension of belief mode to 11.

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Mimi annoys me to no end. “What do you mean you can’t tell me about your super secret government job?! Whaaah!”

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Wow only almost half way in 2nd second season i get there are MiB :)

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The show is entertaining albeit that its so cookie cutter that nothing surprises. This still is X-Files light but with an extra dose of stupid drama. Doctor Hynek is unbelievable as a doctor and especially in contrast with the real one.

The concept was good, the execution is a bit too cliché.

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