lmfaoooooo the pressed Jan stans already review bombing this episode. she deserved it and we are all happy she's gone. deal with it.

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I lived for the drama of the double lipstick tie vote.
This show really hates Jan. But Jan is also a little delusional.
I'm still waiting for this "Game within a game" thing to pay off.

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Not Jan being bullied by the entire show

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i cry with her mama:'(

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Sonique gets a pass for the diversity card. She’s got less of the personality than Jan. at least Jan have the energy and drive. It’s a shame this episode. I feel Ginger can win it all unless the politically correctness is more important. And just by the way. These singing challenges are all so forgetful and lame. TBH.

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Now that's some drama that doesn't feel bittersweet. I think Jan is a winner regardless of the outcome because she had a lot of screen time to showcase herself and become memorable, and she will probably remain an icon.

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at this point i can only see either eureka or ra'jah winning. I think they are the ones that best match the drag race hall of fame. pandora is only waiting to go (i like her though, and i like how they edit her as someone who's cute and shy, not showing a nasty side). sonique is the next weak link after pandora, and trinity and ginger have talent but aren't on winner level to me.

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