I AM DEVASTATED. I really love kameron and cracker, but I think cracker deserved one more chance it was her first lypsinc

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I don't know... the challenge is called "evil twin" and the judges are complaining that some costumes are too similar looking. There was nothing twin-like about most of the concepts, except for Kameron's and Eureka's. I get that Kameron's outfits were more Halloween than drag, but I think she nailed the idea. Don't name the challenge "evil twin" if you don't want a good vs evil iteration of the same outfit!

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This episode was over produced. The twin gimmick got old as soon as Ru’s twin appeared. The idea of the evil twin was interesting, but didn’t really result in anything memorable besides Asia O’Hara’s performance. Though I liked Aquaria’s evil look, I thought her good twin look was underwhelming and overpraised by the judges.

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