One of the best snatch games ever!

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Am I the only one hating Brita?

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it should have been a double win: Gigi + Jackie

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Gigi is just miles ahead of the rest of the competitors. It will be very disappointing if she doesn't get crowned.

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I never saw any passion from Aiden so I'm not surprised she went home - I am surprised it took so long.
But finally!! Gigi won!! She's my top pick for who should win this season. She's proven she's versatile - looks, sewing, acting, improv, lipsyncing.
The awkward editing around Sherry is getting weird, but just looking at how well she's been doing I have a feeling she could still make it pretty far. (I'd be gagged if she was final four).

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Gigi served one of the most iconic snatch games on Drag Race herstory! Overall it was ok except for the three in the bottom, do you all now what's worse than Aiden's snatch game? Their contact lenses! OMG girl! As for the lypsinc if I were Ru I would send them both home... Aiden was just standing there and Brita was so exaggerated.

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Shout by Deleted

I just cant stand britta and aiden SIS you had only two wigs or something?

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