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Salvation: Season 1

1x09 Patriot Games

It's hard to care enough to snark when the writers clearly don't care that they're pumping out such monumentally stupid dreck. After three examples in under five minutes, I stopped taking notes and just took a tally. And my count was 21 plot points and dialogue issues and character inconsistencies that seemed to be there for no reason other than to annoy viewers like me. That's literally one instance of "What were they thinking?" per two minutes of run time. And what makes it so annoying is that almost all of it could have been avoided because almost none of it needed to be there to drive the story. So why do they do it? Is there some inherent value in making a show like this as stupid as it can be? All I know is that they've taken an interesting concept and mauled it with eye-rolling insanity week after week.

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