Really Noah? The guy who knows every horror cliche there is, is walking through an abandoned forest with a killer on the lose? really Noah?

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The writers are finally moving past the soap opera crap that they used to kill time for so much of the first nine episodes and getting back to what made season one so good. Not surprisingly, that makes this the strongest outing of season two by far, helped along by a solid performance from John Karna.

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Yes, it was sad, but the events in this episode were a bit too predictable for my taste. It was clear from the beginning that Noah isn't the one that's going to die. So it had to be the other captured person and I was right about that.

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Wow. This was so sad. Even tho I absolutely loved Zoe as a character, she was also in my top 3 list of possible killers. I honestly don't care at all about Eli, and I also don't really like him as the killer. But I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out.

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Shout by Jim222001

That was a really good one. I definitely want another season. This show is very good when it tries to be suspenseful. The episode was also heartbreaking...

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Shout by Deleted

LOL i thought this was season finale. I was so pissed haha.
gr8 ep.

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To little to late, this season has been an absolute bore fest teen drama with bad acting to much of Emma who needs to die and cringe cringe cringe.
Now we get to the last 2 episodes and it thinks it can get all slick and horror again like
In s1 e1.
Why was Noah being so dumb putting himself in that situation like that when he's meant to be the horror expert guy. He deserved everything he got for the act of stupidity. Why is Emma not dead, and it absolutely drives me crazy how everyone just believes there phone messages and voice calls when they clearly know this is how the killer operates
His/Her MO if you will.
But no everybody just walks straight into the jaws of death through a txt messages from apparently someone they know.
So dumb and if there still falling for the messages on the phone trick well, they deserve
To Die, horribly aswel.

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