Was one of the better episodes so far of this season. Since there was some violence for once and suspense.

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That Brooke and Stavo kiss? Cringeworthy. And why the hell is no one missing Jake? Doesn't the school find it odd that he just dropped out?

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Somebody kill me...please
So I am not subjected to anymore of this God awful
Cring teen drama show.
That f....g Emma does my head in god I wish she would die, horribly. How she talks, what she wears with them stupid shoes that hardly cover her feet.
You see everyone that's how bad this show is, am paying more attention to Emma's stupid annoying pants and footwear, than the actual show.
Like I said kill me now. Because there's certainly none going off in this show. Jesus there's 2
Extra episodes this season aswel than last. Feels like 50 for the cringy god awful grind it is.

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just kill this protagonist that nobody cares

Audrey 're so screwed , she did want to both hide

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