• Wow, these heroes are actually helping people? Finally
  • Wait, Hordak? Besides capture, how has Catra failed?
  • Horror episode?
  • Poor Bow. Tech isn't working with him today
  • Scorpia is so sweet

"Ethical dilemma number, uh... sixty-three." — Entrapta

"Failure is a vital part of all scientific endeavor." — Entrapta

  • Can I meet Entrapta now?
  • Entrapta being helpful to Hordak is a vibe
  • We're actually getting exposition now. Thank you, Hordak
  • Bow with the intuition!
  • Catra has doubts
  • Oooh, mystery!

Wow, She-Ra is getting better already! In Season 2! Last episode focused on our characters, but this one focused on mystery and worldbuilding and I'm intrigued! This is a science-fantasy show, damn it! Why haven't we gotten any of this before!? Anyway, I'm getting more and more hooked with each episode.

SCORE: 7.5/10

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