Glimmer is getting more and more annoying... I think Adora is right in this argument and I'm so sorry for her!

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The song is amazing.
Also this time Glimmer really fucked it up. Oh boy. That's hard to fix.

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  • Okay, now I feel threatened
  • Now, this feels like a war
  • Wow, Sea Hawk has lost it
  • It's not Bill???
  • Man, why'd they have to interrupt Adora and Glimmer's scene!?

"It's not easy being the friendly and upbeat guy all the time." — Bow

  • It's a musical now?

I'm surprised they actually ended an episode with a sad ending. You know, I thought they cut away from the drama every time because they were too scared to get into it. But the GUTS the writers have to end this episode on a sad note is admirable.

SCORE: 7/10

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Sea Hawk is HILARIOUS!!!!
That "Friends with Friends" song slayed me. LOLOLOLOL! :joy:

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