Adora transformating into she-ra while carrying Catra in her arms was the PEAK of HOMOSEXUALITY
And my gay ass is LIVING for it

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  • Glimmer's old character design looks so weird now
  • Wow, Prime, that is unnatural
  • RIP Entrapta and Hordak
  • Yay, manipulation by Bow and Entrapta!
  • Jee-whiz, bye-bye Catra (and her hair)
  • Yay, now there's a cult
  • I'm surprised the rogue Hordak hasn't caught on yet
  • She's going into the Avatar state!
  • Yo, that sword looks way cooler
  • How is this episode 5?

I kinda wish Adora saved Catra through friendship and less She-ra magic. But this was pretty cute too.

SCORE: 7/10

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