Shout by Mortz

Well Tamako has one of the worst personalities… people like her shouldn’t do agriculture. If she doesn’t care about the animal welfare and only think about the money… that’s what’s wrong with the industry. People who work in this agriculture sector are doing this because they love everything with agriculture and the animals… yes sure they also think about the money but especially the mix between revenue and animal welfare is important.

This anime is really behind their time. Even though it’s just 10 years old…

And the quote: „it’s difficult because you put so much work into the breeding“ how heartless?? It should sound like: „it’s difficult because we actually love them and a separation is necessary“

Also the supposed to be „lovely gestures“ towards the new born calf are hypocritical:
The calf born to be slaughtered would be better off when it died while the birth process…

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