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Star Trek: Season 2

2x09 Metamorphosis

Wow, where to start? It's a sweet story about love, but the 1960s incredible sexist viewpoints are unbearable. The strong-willed female commissioner was overtaken by a being that just wanted a man to love her (and of course, "the concept of male and female is a constant throughout the galaxy"). Ugh. Redeemed somewhat by the ending. Zephram Cochrane was far more interesting in First Contact.

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I'm sorry, male and female are universal constructs... I guess at least Kirk tried talking this time instead of only violence, even if that was his first impulse

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I only have one question, how does Kirk justifies the whereabout of the Commissioner to the Federation?

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I think Metaphor is a more apt title for this one.

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Shout by Ana

Disturbing episode. I cannot believe they just let the alien creature highjack commissioner's body and keep her consciousness trapped there. And then they all pretended that's some great love story between the alien and Cochrane. :face_vomiting: They are horrible superior officers and people.

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this one aged like milk lmao

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Every Federation official is always being portrayed as a nuisance. It's a wonder that something like the Federation exists at all.

Episode started interesting but went down the further it went. Editing wasn't good either. Cochrane's behavior is all over the place in regards to The Companion. Likewise Kirk going from "I'll kill it if it means I get out of here" to a more diplomatic resolution. But in the end, with the merging of the Companion with the Commisioner (does that make it a Comcom ?), it's taken out of his hands.

Only Spock is, once again, the voice of reason, Trying to convince Kirk (albeit not very hard) to learn and study this lifeform. After all, isn't that in the job description ? To seek out new life and civilizations ?

Maybe I'm not getting the gist of it but for me this one is below average.

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An excellent story. I very much enjoyed it, though it was a little slow getting going.

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i know this episode's conversation about gender and whatnot is dated (it's star trek) but i kinda cried

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I wonder if Trip from Enterprise patterned his character after the Cochrane in this episode? The similarities in speech patterns is uncanny.

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