Oh... so, of course it's the Emperor's clones... but what exactly are the experiments for? I assume "m-count-transfer" means transfer of midichlorians... so what makes Omega so special that her blood can be used to transfer midichlorians, but all the other clones' blood can't? Is she, after all, force-sensitive as well?

Anyway, good episode. I don't think that Crosshair will take their pretty easy escape without doubts and plot a course directly to the rest of the batch... so who knows when they'll meet up with the others.

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Omega and Crosshair, good. The midichlorian count and this whole storyline so blatantly existing to retroactively justify Rise of Skywalker? Bad. ‘But wasn’t that Clone Wars?’ Clone Wars worked to enrich and justify characters and arcs of the prequel, filling in blanks of something that already worked on a broad scale. Even if the prequels aren’t great, on a fundamental base story level, they still work. And Clone Wars at its best just wanted to enhance that. Make characters better. Rebels did mostly its own thing. This isn’t making any character richer. It’s stupid lore crap, and it’s obnoxious, and it cheapens the whole show when- with how archetypal and one note most of the Batch are- it feels like the show’s primary, ultimate purpose. Or at least, it became it somewhere along the line.

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I like the episode in a self-contained kind of way. What I don't like is that the whole storyline is dictated to reconcile the sequels. Yes I know, I mentioned that before but it's the one serious issue I have: that these shows merely are there for that reason. Would've liked to see what they would've done without chains attached. Still good episode with action and suspense.

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The season is finally getting some action momentum going after two pretty boring outings, making this one a welcome change of pace.

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This show should’ve ended two seasons ago, it was good when they appeared in Clone Wars, the “m-count” is ridiculous, they don’t even date to mention the complete name, and a clone having that?… please

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It's weird that the show puts so much mystery on these things that most of us already knew so long ago

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