I do love this episode. The introduction of so many plot points that reoccur throughout the rest of the series.

But the biggest plot hole of them all still bugs the hell out of me. The entire series of bickering wasting their final dial out to send Daniel to P3R-233 instead of dialling the Beta Site. Rather than sending Daniel with the evacuees to the Beta Site and him dialling 233 from there. It was beyond stupid nonsense that only exists for story purposes.

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Why do they always have to be so dense? It took Jackson half the bloody episode to figure out the obvious.

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A great episode and I know they are trying to not have Daniel know everything, but he really was dense in this episode. I can't believe it took him so long to get to the point of an alternate reality and even then it was Carter that suggested it. How many things needed to be different before it was obviously not his Earth. It's like he needed it drawn in crayon.

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Great episode, nice Independence Day vibes here too

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Nice one too

First of all, why jack did not tell daniel why they should leave. That is why maybe he stayed there a little more.

And i cant understand why other people of planet sacrificed themselves. They would already die so they thought "our planet has gone, but their universe can be safe, so i should die for them."

I cant imagine how it can be. It is really hard. To sacrifice, For another dimension. We all had seen from spider man universes but this is different. They are not super heroes.

Lets see if daniel can warn other team members. I dont think so

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