What this episode lacks, I think, is some more of the SGC side. Even broad-stroked as it was, there's still a lot more about what happens on O'Neill's side of the buried gate than back home—and more importantly, how people are feeling there.

Of course, setting up the situation took up quite a lot of the available screen time, so it would have been very hard to fit in more about the team back at the SGC without compromising the progression of O'Neill's feelings… but I can still wish for things!

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The lengths the SGC will go to for one man, building a previously unused on this world technology for instance.
A bit annoying at times though, especially when they lose three or four red shirts in the process of saving a single member of SG-1. I love this show, but sometimes it can be the stupid.

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Where did all those people come from dancing around? After the disaster there was like 6 people and three months later there’s a whole village :joy:

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