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Stargate SG-1: Season 3

3x03 Fair Game

The symbiote in the season opener showed great improvement from the older efforts, but damn that first time that Thor walked out of the chair was some serious 90s CGI.

But still a brilliant episode.

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And just what the hell did the Goa'uld gain from this treaty? The humans gained not being invaded and the additional clause of keeping the Stargate. That I can see. The only thing I see was avoided was the Asgard not being roped in as they feared them. There must have been some concession to them though as why backtrack on their immediate plans.

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Now this is the kind of bottle episode I can get behind! No need to waste (burn) screen time on flashbacks; just write a tidy story that uses maybe one small new set or two and skip the location shooting. Add some political intrigue… boom!

Love the subtle parallel to the Dominion of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, too. "Keep using the wormhole/stargate and we'll be cross."

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