A fun episode with a fairly exciting mission for SG-1, but I think this episode's real strength lies in its acknowledgment of Daniel no longer being there. It's played quite truthfully, with each team member handling it in their own way. Carter especially is having trouble focusing on the job which I particularly like.

Anubis is properly revealed and he's maybe not quite as impressive as what we all may have been imagining. He has the same schtick as all the other Goa'uld bad guys, but there is a good mystery established around what he actually is once we see what's under his hood. Honestly, I find Osiris/Sarah far more interesting - especially in that some human part of her is clearly there when she learns what's happened to Daniel.

Some interesting revelations about the Asgard here, too. And Heimdall is fun, feeling more individual than others we've met and certainly nothing like Idris Elba's portrayal! The show also went quite ambitious by keeping them as a fully CG character.

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Another ridiculously good episode. This how you finish up a season. I am sad we didn't get to see Daniel in this one, but maybe it is better we didn't. It makes the previous episode more meaningful.

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