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Stargate SG-1: Season 7

7x08 Space Race

Sometimes a well done story is worth it. I was skeptical going in, but it turned out to be much better than expected.

The news ads were fantastic!

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This is fun but all just too silly. It flirts a bit too closely with being a Star Trek episode (and more or less steals from the Voyager episode 'Drive) - and while I adore Trek, this show has always been something different. I feel much the same as I did with the previous episode that features the Serrakins, 'Forsaken', in that they just don't fit. This episode expands upon that by showing us even more goofy prosthetics on actors.

But the fun factor helps. Seeing Carter being gung-ho for the race is kind of delightful. The pairing of bickering brothers Warwick and Eamon is enjoyable (and I can't help but see them as inspired by Frasier and Niles Crane). I enjoy seeing Scott MacDonald anywhere. The TV show segments with the terrible advertising do their job extremely well in that they are nauseating!

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During this episode, I literally said to myself, "It wouldn't win any writing awards, but it's fun!"

I really don't mind if Stargate wants to have some fun now and then. They absolutely do need to balance out the serious stories—like the previous episode, "Enemy Mine". In this case, I couldn't stop grinning because of all the parallels to "Drive" (Star Trek: Voyager 7x03), and the obvious satire represented by the news announcer's constant references to Tech Con products.

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Another turkey of an episode - love how diverse they can be in quality.

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