Personal Lists featuring...

Stargate SG-1

Season 7


This list shows the order of which Stargate TV shows can be watched.


In what order should Stargate newcomers watch SG-1, Atlantis and the movies? Here's our recommended list!

Thanks to DARREN @ GateWorld


Stargate Atlantis, SG1 Series andaMovies


The Stargate franchise in timeline order (except for the 1928 flashback at the beginning of the movie).


Science Fiction I have watched that I think are damn near perfect! This list includes superhero and supernatural content.


Shows i have seen or working on


Includes movies, SG1, Atlantis, Universe, Catherine, and Kino streams.

Most of the credit to u/bill from r/stargate


[*] Some inescapable weirdness between 30610 and 30650. Nothing major is strictly out of order, but unambiguous chronological viewing would require recutting the episodes. Whether or not it's listed optimally comes down to viewer interpretation of a character's interpretation of the tense of another character's description of an event. You may notice but probably only in hindsight.

[**] Optimal viewing order of these five episodes is unknown. No one's noticed or been bothered enough to comment, unlike 30610-30650 which has generated lots of discussion, but: """According to Joseph Mallozzi, this episode [Affinity] aired out of order; it should have aired after "Covenant". It is in Covenant that the audience learns about [spoiler], as [spoiler] already seems to know about [spoiler] here."""

Other areas with multi-episode arcs may also have small issues since I opted to never put SG-1 episodes between Atlantis arcs and vice versa.



This list shows the order of which Stargate TV shows can be watched. The list also includes the chronological order of Kino webisodes of SGU and is slightly more detailed than existing lists.

The main source of this list is reddit user bill's public google doc, which can be found here:
