Emma's hair is so long this season! Also, it's crazy how much older Kirsten looks now. It probably has to do with the change in wardrobe.

"Touch me again and I'll rip out your ribcage and wear it like a vest" Yaass Camille! Yaass!

Also, I loved how the stubble made Cameron look all disheveled and fraught with worry for Kirsten. His desperation to get her back was endearing.

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Fun, and good to see the gang back, but...

Did it feel like a rather lot was resolved awfully quickly and simply? Almost feels like the writers changed their minds about where they wanted to go between the end of season two and the beginning of season three, and so [a little too] quickly wiped things clean so as to redirect. Maybe not, maybe it's just plain old sloppy writing. Either way, hope the season's plot improves from there...

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Detention Block AA23. Love it!

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i didnt see this one going on into season 3....its not much. It just has a sort of appeal like Warehouse 13 did.

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