I love how Winn was whistling the SuperFriends song

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Oh, Lena you beautiful, naive, idiot.

This episode was all around so dumb. James, you becoming a worshipped hero is just not happening. Give it up, man.

I wish Mon-El would have shot his mother. He surely would have spared himself (and everyone on Earth) so much grief.

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Well, I don't like James, he looks a little jealous and envious of Supergirl for be good, but he finally was useful.

Lena is part of this already and she is gonna be a regular for the next season, so I know that you can't recognize Supergirl bc is Supergirl, but is a lot of obvious with Mon-El so maybe Lena already confirmed about Kara being Supergirl. (I think that she suspect of her since the time Kara said "I'll always protect you" in ep. 18).

I need to say this again, Rhea totally got me, I believe that she care about Lena, I felt that, but she doesn't know how to love people if it's not for a future benefict. So sad for Lena.

P.D: I think that James' character can perfectly fit in Arrow series, here he is going to feel frustrated forever.

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Whoa, this episode headed kinda close to the SJW fence but luckily it helped one of the characters become more likable... Kinda...

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Oh wow what a twist! Excited to see how this will play out

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Batman reference!! I’m pretty sure that was a Batman reference. Clarks friend/ Frenemy. Batman.

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Shout by Jazz

I never liked James in his suit. I hate how he demanded that Guardian was the way he HAD to help people. HEROES DONT HAVE TO BE SUPER and in this episode James helped without the suit and learned something from what J'onn said. I like this James a lot better.

I hate that Mon-El was talked out of doing anything to his mother but it makes sense since she's still family. Wish Kara had been with him when that happened instead of hopelessly standing by the portal. But then we wouldn't have this new threat!

About Lena.. everyone is saying she's naive, but she did doubt Rhea at first and she did have a thought after Rhea was using her phone. Lena is a great character imo, one of the realest in this show.

Winn whistling Super Friend :)

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OK.. so no one even heard what mom-el taking on phone. wow... lost for word

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This show is just bad now. I'm binging all the last DC shows' seasons now that there on Netflix. Not only the SJW and switching teams story lines, but the writing is just bad. Supergirl would get her ass kicked in every episode of it wasn't for her team. How about make the bad guys actually less powerful or dumber like they used to be in comics and ahows.?

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Oh yeah... more Guardian. Please make it stop.

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This is starting to get interesting

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Shout by lareina

"Because I'm black?" MY BOY JAMES SNAPPED. This was a good episode. We got to see more SuperCorp content, and it was James-centric!! Although, Mon-El showed up again, and the story got a lot more boring.

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The guardian arc is really not good and not improving. Daxamite storyline was superb though but too short lol

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Another episode of James being jealous of Kara's powers. Yes, we saw this last year. Although he was more useful than usual. Kara learning Rhea never left is what made the episode stand out though.

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