This show is worth watching for the gorgeous costumes alone.

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This is such a compelling pilot. I know it's not historically accurate to the personages it dramatizes, but it's delicious. This (fictional) role of Rodrigo Borgia was practically made for Irons. Despite being so Machiavellian, I actually found the members and the overall familial dynamic to be remarkably cozy, and it does a lot of the heavy lifting with making clan Borja sympathetic; that, and it's essentially a lascivious guilty pleasure, lead by Irons' shamelessly rapacious aging cardinal.

François Arnaud is a suavely charming Cesare, and Holliday Grainger is simply a delight every moment she's on screen. Put them together, with the clear adoration and incestuous overtones, and you've got a wholesomely innocently flavored taboo side dish to the buffet of lechery, scheming, and murder. I don't care for this kind of stuff in pretty much any other setting-- especially modern or "sci-fi", but when it's an indulgent soap opera set in the middle ages around the papal throne, sign me up for seconds.

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Weirdest brother/sister relationship ever. The incestous vibes are making me uncomfortable.

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