In a lot of ways, this was a great episode, with the cast on top form and delivering some great lines with perfect cadence. It was also fantastic to see a blind character played by an actor with a visual impairment (Marvin “Krondon” Jones III has nystagmus due to his albinism).

But as a disabled person, I had to wince at the comic book feel of this, with the "echo-location" Daredevil style "superpower" heightened senses attributed to a blind person and the way a disability was used in the title of the episode uses ableist language i.e. the implication that being blind is negative. I realise it's playing on the saying 'justice is blind', but it's still making the implication and undermines the positive representation that the episode aims for by including a disabled character played by a disabled actor.

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That was a brilliant strategy to hack into the electricity for just that room they were in during the end scene. How would that even happen. They were trying to give the blind man the advantage like earlier in the subway but it seems we forgot about the blazing furnace that was lighting up the whole room.

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