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The Fix: Season 1

1x01 Pilot

It's got to get better than this. Dialogue is lame and the acting is poor. I'll give them a little more time to see if they get their groove, but right now it's a 5 (meh) out of 10.

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That was interesting.

However, the main character villain is a narcissist, and that can be boring since narcissists often make some of the most uninteresting villains; they just don't have any feelings about those around them, making them very simplistic and selfish. Can't like them, yet hating them is impossible too, a waste of energy.

I was reminded a little of the OJ show they did a few years ago on American Crime Story.

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It's a perfectly competent network TV show, but its ties to real-life events makes it almost unbearably weird. What's worse is that the show gives absolutely no indication that it's aware of how weird it is.

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