All the young men seem well very gay lol

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I'm not sure how invested in this series I am yet, but I root for the Russells. What Mr. Russell did was badass!

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All the right elements are there, but I am not sure why it doesn’t work. It simply doesn’t have … spirit. I remember near identical themes and events in Downton Abbey (which, btw isn’t a coincidence - same producers, they even play strongly into it by having a suspiciously similar opening track). They worked there perhaps because I was much more bought into the lives of the characters. Things have been much shallower here. The maid (Edit: Chef apparently, that's how little the event grabbed me) gets in trouble with her debtor, for instance, and resorts to stealing. While this is meant to evoke sympathy, I simply didn’t care because I know little about the character. Even so, like I said, I am not quite sure why it doesn’t work, but it doesn’t.

Unfortunate, but this is a drop.

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