Alexis Bledel is back! And we got to see the dreaded Colonies. I'm assuming that there was some kind of nuclear war or something that left most of the population infertile and created tons of radioactive waste. I'd really like to learn more about it, maybe they could dedicate some flashbacks to expaining what happened.

The whole scene at the airport made me want to throw up. As a non-straight girl, it's beyond horrific to imagine that all the progress that has been made in LGBT rights in the last 2 decades - not just in the US, but in other countries - could be taken away, just like that. Although a lot of what happened in this episode - like Emily being asked to hide her wife from her students - is still something that occurs in real life. We have a long way to go. I can only hope that reality won't imitate fiction, and we'll keep moving forward instead of backward.

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The Emily flashbacks was so saddening

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That episode made me a crying mess with Emily leaving her family at the airport and the bulletholes and everything on the wall it was the saddest thing. I feel like I should be mourning those people even though they’re fictional and we never even saw them it was so powerful.

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June: Under his eye.
Driver: After a while, crocodile.

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This episode made me speechless. When watching this show, I'm always so touched by the LGBT parts. However, I always said to myself: 'Well, this is just fiction, it isn't real.' Until I realised that it's NOT fiction and it IS real. In so many, too many parts of the world gay people are being oppressed every day. Show the world your pride, for our fight for equality is far from over!

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Omg, this show breaks my heart.

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As a member of the LGBT community this episode was especially hard to watch. I actually cried a few times.

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Emily, I'm with you, girl. F them all. Bunch of close-minded, retrograde, bigoted homophobes. This show will forever manage to bring my angry, indignant side to the surface like no other.

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This show has lost it's appeal. There are so, so very many plot holes and the circumstances just make no sense. Men are rare? We never really see them. Women are sent to dig radioactive dirt? That makes sense. I have never been a fan of Offred, but this season she's even worse. Annoying and feeling empowered now that she is 'free'. Idk, this show had so very much potential, and they just wasted it.

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Marisa Tomei is here. Trakt has some problems about cast.

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I'm so glad we see more of Emily! She is by far my favorite even though we have seen way less of her than the other characters. She is tough and continues to fight with everything she's got!

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Very powerful scenes with Emily and the scenery at the Boston Globe was even better.

But I swear, if this show wasn't showing the dangers of extremism and totalitarianism, I'd quit. This episode is peak June. Almost unbearable.

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My favorite character is back! I love Emily and I’m glad we finally get to see more of her plus some backstory. Her health worries me though, she looks bad.

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Shout by ofjoseph
BlockedParent2018-05-07T20:14:26Z— updated 2018-05-19T06:21:28Z

"Some things just can’t be forgiven." - Emily

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