So invested in this series, I feel compelled to see it through, despite the agonising grind, obsession with long sequences of meaningful looks from Elizabeth Moss, and a soundtrack that drowns out the dialogue.

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With characters like these it’s hard to know who you’re rooting for. I guess a show that can do that while keeping you hooked and feeling a whole bunch of dread, resentment and frustration must be doing a lot right.

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Goddamnit show, it's too late to try come up with a different storyline (Janine and Aunt Lydia) but here's hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised.

On the other hand, I'm not in the least bit surprised that there are conservatives that didn't move to Gilead when they had the chance. I wonder if there's anything other than June's prophecy to take them down...

Nick hasn't appeared in a while. I wouldn't like him to get anything out of it but if it's for the greated good of taking down bigger fish, then maybe.

And it's a really love/hate relationship with them showing all these different angles of victims of abuse. At any given moment they put me on everyone's corners as well as no one's. Well, I'll never be against anything June does, not really, but I reluctantly accept her brand of "tough love". :smirk:

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How can you not feel empathy after hearing her testimony about what she went through?! Worse of all, she keeps being gaslighted! (I'm not surprised the Waterfords have supporters when there are Trump supporters in the real world)

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Someone find this girl a therapist.

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No, just... No! Out of character for Emily.

and I knew what would happen to the aunt the second she got in the car.

polyphonics and portishead. nice

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Lol I'm sorry, but June is so manipulative. She has a right to be angry, but she has this way of pushing things out of people or having a string to a puppet effect on people's actions. This is mostly done at the harm of the people she gets to follow her. I can't say that I even like June anymore or know who she is. I hope she can bring Luke closer and rally the girls to take down the Waterford's, but we'll see.

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"It's pretty, but what's the purpose?" is my most constant thought while watching most scenes in this final season. It's all just unnecessary filler, but I'm still here because I've a problem with quitting things... and people haha... ha (yeah, it's a problem, I'm working on it). Anyway, my finale was the end of last season when June was martyred and carried over the fields by her goodly disciples, that was beautiful, that was the end - FIN.

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Why isn't she in therapy, and recovery? Is it because she's a Scientologist?

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I don’t know if I’m angrier with the characters or the writers. How in hell a lawyer can tell a woman who was de facto kidnapped and enslaved, that she CHOSE to be raped??? It was a choice under coercion, you moron!! Which is what June should have answered, instead of that weak reply.

Then it gets worse. Waterford sells his hallucinations as the Truth from God, and people, healthy young beautiful women included, come to cheer him? Without an opposite group at least as twice as big, ready to cut his d:asterisk_symbol:ick off and serve it cold to Serena? Give me a break.

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Unfortunately, it’s becoming harder and harder to root for June. I get she’s flawed, I get she’s damaged and I get that she’s got a score to settle. But nothing about her character’s portrayal is even remotely likeable anymore.

That said, utterly enjoying the season and looking forward to what the following episodes may bring.

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Finally an interesting turn on this story. But of course things are gonna get worse and more depressing somehow.

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The way June makes the choice for Emily to deal with HER trauma shows once more how selfish June can be. Trauma or not, she can't make that decision for someone else even if she knew how Emily would feel afterwards.

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Shout by Reguire

This is how (GOT ending spoiler) Daenerys' descent into madness should have been done. You could see that June isn't on a good path for a while now.

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Shout by tin_can

That was a great twist!

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Finally a good episode. This season has been disappointing, but now there's hope!

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