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The Handmaid's Tale: Season 5

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In its very ironic way, bringing June and Serena together works better than matching June with Luke. It'd be like keeping the traditional wife-husband thing, like "men should protect women". I'm glad they didn't betray the spirit of their show, and still put the emphasis on women. I'm excited to see if Serena will overthrown another government, but this time hopefully the correct one.

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June & Serena at the end: this. fuckin'. bitch.

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Handmaid's Tale has become ascended fanfic, and I am here for it!

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Elisabeth Moss have gone from an excellent actress to an caricature of her former self. She can’t even enter a room or react to a knock on the door without overplaying. Her eye gestures and twitches and such are so annoying.

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Apart from the enjoyable reveal at the end, I found this kind of underwhelming as a season finale. Also, the more screen time they give Nick, the more I feel Max Minghella is a rather limited and rather expressionless actor. I hope his character gets killed off tbh, as his scenes kind of drag.

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I really do not care in the slightest what happens in this show anymore. It has turned into laughable and drawn-out fanfiction at this point, and each passing episode and season only continues to hurt the name and overall quality of this show. It should have ended after 2 or 3 seasons max. The fact that this ended on a cliff-hanger and is setting up a sixth season is an absolute travesty.

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Yes, yes, yes! I love how June and Serena end up together again. Their chemistry is just spectacular. I'm so curious where they will end up in the final season. And how freaking long will it take for Aunt Lydia to finally see the light. I predict she's gonna make a big turn.

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There’s lowkey a part of me that watched that last 60 seconds and thought “Aw yeah. Go be gay and do crime together.” But then I remembered how much I WANT SERENA TO SUFFER. Caring about her baby does not absolve her of anything. She’s a monster and I need to see her get her comeuppance. I need it.

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Ok. The season finale wasn't that great but the end had me ROLLING lmao I'm excited for what is coming next.

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WTF was this season? I'm not sure how to feel about it even though I was mostly glued to the screen every episode. I loved seeing more of Janine and Aunt Lydia. As much as Serena is an awful person, I still liked the scenes with Serena and June. On the other hand... wtf is that cliffhanger? Why did we get to see so little of Moira and Rita? Is the reaction of Canadians towards the American refugees even realistic? And lastly, how the hell are they going to wrap this all up in just one more season?

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What was that weird eyebrow raise June did at the end!?

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I hate stupid continuity crap... so June just abandons her pushchair in the middle of the train (to Hawaii btw!) and Serena asks if she has a newborn nappy in her 2 year old's bag? FFS

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The plot of this show is just amazing... the execution not so much though. I am kind of tired of this, but I really want to know how it ends.

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At first I thought well how stupid are June and Luke... why isn't Moira getting on the train with her? I mean it's not like she has a booming life in Canada either.. but then Serena was there and it all made perfect sense to me. I can't wait to see June and Serena take down Gilead together... what started with them should end with them.
I honestly think Lydia will snap now that they've taken Janine away. After Janine got poisoned she really changed... I wonder if she will help take Gilead down somehow... her and Mrs Putnam - no, Lawrence -

I have high expectations for the final season!!

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Shout by chewy74
BlockedParent2022-11-14T18:43:59Z— updated 2022-11-16T19:03:56Z

I may be in the minority here, but I prefer my comeuppance served cold, with a tall glass of haterade.

I don't like how the show is turning Serena into a heroine and refugee/victim. You gave us Fred... Now give us Serena.

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Elizabeth's acting is so over the top and too much at this point, the only person who can balance that out is one and only Yvonne. I can see their duo working and they do have chemistry but it's too late, the show has turned into a joke. Should have teamed them up long ago.

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Elisabeth Moss have gone from an excellent actress to an caricature of her former self. She can’t even enter a room or react to a knock on the door without overplaying. Her eye gestures and twitches and such are so annoying.

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"my June?" :sob::sob::sob:oh my fucking god

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wow - I’m last week’s comments I said I had faith they would blast us at the end. Bam!!!

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This season flew by. 10 episodes that had eventful plot for like 3 episodes. Good thing next season is the last.

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Shout by Douglas

This season had its moments but, hmm, I'm afraid that the way things are going the last seasons will have watered down the story way too much. This season was almost uneventful as they almost went on a handful of directions but little had changed - this episode made some changes, of course. It will be even more disappointing if next season whatever is still going on in Canada takes a backseat so as to focus on June/Serena and Lydia/Janine. I do think Lawrence has solidified his position as the adversary taking Fred's place but that story isn't enough for a whole season either.

I guess I should have stopped hoping for some measure of satisfaction the moment June dropped 'Holly' in favor of 'Nichole'... But still, hopefully next season brings positive surprises.

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Meh....this season kinda fizzled out and, at times, I would wonder why I'm even still watching.

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When it's so insane you can't look away... is this morbid fascination?!

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This has gone from bad to just plain stupid. Thankfully it’s over, and I’ve finally seen enough to convince me to never watch again.

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This was a predictable ending unfortunately

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so so transparent... can't tell me no one saw it coming that she will get on the train without Luke and when looking for a spot I immediately said, wait for it, Serena is here, too. And so it goes.... very weak season, no reason to keep watching. the show is no longer under your eye, it's way down below....

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