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The Idol: Season 1

1x05 Jocelyn Forever

This finale was straight up ass

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I am not really sure on the message of the end. Does she realize she couldn't do this without Tedros, or does she go back to her abuser after seemingly breaking free of him? Straight trash.

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I thought the ending was something Tedro was imagining while overdosing on drugs provided by Hank Azaria's people (remember "plan B"?). But I guess a young woman taking back her abuser is the most realistic ending.

Also, I feel like I missed an episode. Jocelyn turning on Tedros right from the start of the episode felt like it happened out of nowhere.

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This is not the last episode, right? The ending makes no fucking sense.

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do sam levinson and the weeknd think they'd die if the characters didn't namedrop problematic celebrities for five whole seconds

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A bit nihilist for my taste but at least it fits the story that was being told. The first half of the episode gave me whiplash but it was all going too well to be believable.

There are still issues nonetheless. If the story was as big as they said, wouldn't the people in that crowd recognize Tedros? We know Jocelyn is fucked up at that point but the whole crowd just goes with it?

Good on Leia for getting away. Possibly the only good person at that house. I feel bad for Xander, Rob and Dyanne but I guess they needed to establish the pattern that Jocelyn can be victim, accomplice and perpetrator, all at the same time.

I wish they could have made this story in a way that people at least waited until the end to make up their minds about it.

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this show makes no f sense. I really hope this is the end to the worst bs ever made.

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What was the moral of this story? That there is no moral in Hollywood? Also the grown-ups are even worse than the kids. Seriously. Eli Roth goes from being so annoyed with their performances to being super enthusiastic. Like wtf?! Joslyn thrusting all over Eli Roth was a cringe fest. Why was this drama with Joslyn's ex introduced at all? And then she says Tedros is the love of her life? What in the actual hell? Why did we all watch this? Why was this made? This is not serious.

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What a fake deep and non-sensical ending. I have a headache after watching this.

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So Jocelyn was making up the abuse the whole time?
Was she actually in love with tedros or just needed someone as fucked up as her? What was the point?
To just make a pretty, glamorous, sexy show with no actual point? Tedros seemed just as confused as we were by the ending (which felt like the ending of a movie). This could've been soooo much more than what it was. Also I low key wanted to see a performance at the end. At least we got some decent songs from the show.

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I'm so fcking confused with the ending...

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3 stars for the Hunter Biden joke. Otherwise deserves a zero.

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Edit: SPOILERS BELOW!! (The mobile app won't hide the text even with the spoiler feature on)

This whole show was just terrible. It seems like they want you to think that she was the one manipulating the guy all this time and lying about her abuse? But there were people who also claimed that she was abused and saw it happening. It makes no sense for it to be that she lied. The most possible scenario would be that she bought a new hairbrush that looked just like the old one. That way Ted dude thinks she was lying the entire time. Chloe used the brush and so did Ted in one episode. They would have noticed if it was new.

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i need sam levinson gone

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Amazing ending. I am gonna (re)watch all 5 episodes back to back real soon because this was a MOVIE. Definitely Sam Levinson's best work to date. So grand.

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lmao what a joke, it doesn't make any sense

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Shout by Cjorbala

Brrr damn goosebump so powerful

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