Still loving the plot and characters.

But whoever came up with the idea to couple shrill techno music to the Victorian era... They probably wanted something "fresh", but I prefer musical score that actually expresses the mood of the shot, underlines it, and subtly plays with the viewers subconscious. This combination just doesn't work for me whatsoever.

Not buying that Bea had no choice. Jessie was right there. She could have touched her for example, probably would have been enough to distract her for a moment to give Billy a chance to get away.

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This show would be so much better with better screenwriting lol

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Interesting enough to keep me hooked, the children and the background story look promising... it has a good combo of crime solving, supernatural stuff and funny moments (Spike is one of the best characters)
But I’m really disappointed with the Holmes/Watson part... the first one has not been revealed yet, but the latter is terrible. I think it’s the first portrayal of Watson that I find terribly annoying

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Veom se oiwz mes owning m

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