• The animation is so nice
  • I vibe with that cat playing "The Entertainer"
  • That's a crazy leg tablet
  • The cat just flipped them off
  • They just killed that crab
  • They killing milennials
  • So rude

I still don't know what is going on, but I'm enjoying it.

SCORE: 7/10

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Sadly 90% of the dialogue is horseshit but I love the fish character and the cats. The animation looks incredible!!

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What a load of unscientific, New-Age-y BS...
There is no magic or life energy or "currents" or karma. Everything is stimuli, subjective perceptions of those stimuli and responses. For example, a "faith healer" doesn't need to be a true believer to trick people into believing they have been healed. Attributing magical qualities to a stimulus instead of recognizing how subjective, biased or suggestible the human mind is, is a common tactic/fallacy of all (western) faiths.
Ritualistic behaviors can be helpful/beneficial as coping behaviors, but that doesn't mean they are truthful.

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Shout by 3Scoop

Interesting take on magic and resurrection, imagining it as something real that is possible through meditation. Bit more nonsense than other episodes but a cool story.

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