That was really hard seeing Dale as he watched the interview...pupils dilated, eyes red and wet, just a ball of raw emotion. I'd like to think it was Geoff's cross that took it out of him, but of course you could tell it was more. And, not just leakage of a partial lie, or the thought of exposure, but regret also. That was really powerful all around, not just Dale.

Pissed me off Geoff's so quick to slut-shame without considering the obvious double-standard of straight People, while totally ignoring what he was being told, "I wish we had known about the virus." I remember gay men I knew at the time who either didn't get the science knowledge they needed, or getting misinformation that made them think it wasn't proven that exchanging bodily fluids transmitted the disease. So much unnecessary death. Really sad. And, so fucked up it got framed as a disease of Gay men.

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the way Jen, Noelene's sister, half-heartedly and full-confusedly returns Rob's bow lol

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That was intense, the bigotry, the shaming Geoff's doing in that interview, the pain and realization Dale goes through while watching it... really good stuff. And granted, I was a child in the 80's, but looking back it's really hard to watch - or rather, despite still not quite being there, how much has changed within my own lifespan.

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Best Australian show I've seen in yonks. Sad it's almost at an end!

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