Shout by Caleb Peters
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-09T06:50:48Z— updated 2024-03-08T06:21:12Z

I actually really like this episode, it gets to the main plot pretty fast, has some great jokes, and Becky going "oh I actually was trying to steal your family, I had a place to bury you and everything!" at the end was great - if a bit out of left field, but I doubt she'll ever re-appear so it's fine.

Having stuff leftover from Apu's wedding (which was like, half the season ago) is a bit odd, but maybe they aired it out of order by accident? (though that probably isn't the case)

Plus, Homer isn't as much of a dick like he has been as of late! (Though he should've told Marge about the breaks, but hey I predicted that's what would happen, so that's neat)

But overall, it's a very good pre-conclusion to the season.

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