Holy fuck. Literally 5 mins into the series and already in tears. This is rough.

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I work for an emergency youth shelter and I have seen children returned to homes that just horrified me. Family reunification should not be the goal in all cases. The comment made during this series that adult rights are being protected over child rights is so true. Why would you take the report from the accused abuser as the truth and totally disregard the statement of the child ... and for law enforcement to go so far as to threaten the child with prison if he reports the abuse again. How can our society perpetuate this system.

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I have 3 months of being a father and every episode my eyes fill with tears with this tragedy.

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This is a hard one to watch and I don't know they got away with this for so long.

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I find it hard to believe in the existence of a supreme power that is protecting us when I see these painful documentaries that reach the soul.

My score: 7/10

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Jesus this was hard to watch. By now I saw quite a lot of True Crime documentaries and they are all horrifying but this one is on another level.

Greatly put together tough and another interesting series from Netflix.

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Devastating and extremely hard to watch.

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do yourself a favor, don't watch this. Not because its bad show, but simply because it is depressing as hell.

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A heartbreaking documentary series that explores the events leading up to Gabriel's death, and the subsequent trials of those responsible for his abuse. While the subject matter is difficult to watch, the series is informative and sheds light on important issues, such as child abuse and the failures of the child welfare system. The interviews with law enforcement officials, lawyers, and experts provide valuable insights into the complexities of the case.

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Truly the most horrifying case I have ever seen just absolutely vile evil scumbags.

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So touching, you need to have stomach to handle the child abuse described in this show.

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