Anyone else feel like they were at Clementines house from the first Telltale TWD game? The tree house and the pool. Almost the same.

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"Hey gang, let's go - toward - the maelstrom of burning tires and deep fried, fire and brimstone zombieland!"


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Clearly their defense classes didn’t stick. Maybe I’m too used to the hordes our main Walking Dead characters regularly face, but it shouldn’t be that difficult to take down a single walker. It’s more frustrating than entertaining to watch these kids be so incompetent.

Still, I’m curious to see where this goes, and I hear the show gets better. Not a fan of the Iris character at all. When Silas tells her he didn’t realize she could fight “empties,” I was like... ummmmmmm, she didn’t. Her overconfident response was laughable.

I like the concept of this Stand By Me journey across the country, but I can’t help but wish the acting was a little stronger. It’s still early tho.

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If the zombies don't get you the horrible dialogue will.

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I hate the plot cliché Felix got kicked out by his father for being gay. Reinforcing this irrational reaction gives real world parents in the same situation who don't know how to react the idea this is an appropriate reaction - which it is not. Is this what's called motherly or fatherly love?

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You know what? I'm at peace with the kids being incompetent at killing. Carl led a ruthless life having some of the best role models a kid could have and it took him years to get to the point that it was somewhat surprising that he still failed at it. If these sheltered kids had killed even one zombie without panicking/freezing first, it would have been outrageous.

My main concern with this story is that it was rushed into an adventure, so we'll only get small pieces here and there to get to know the characters, but until then we'll also know they're pretty safe, so the whole zombie adventure thing kinda loses its edge.

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One could’ve made this a side plot of one of the two existing TWD series... why is this it’s own show? This is neither inspiring nor good in any way. Bad plot, worse dialogue and at best mediocre action of some of the cast. Half the main acts are pretty bad as well. Looks more like a B-Movie type show when it comes to the costumes as well. Zombies look like shit, clothing of the cast is just silly and the overall premise is stupid decisions in a row. Barely watchable...

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Jesus, ash is literally raining down on their heads, they are totally surrounded by zombies, and Iris and Hope are having this long dramatic conversation. And how did they get to this platform area? The last scene just showed them looking at a path filled with zombies lumbering through the tireyard. And then, they just laid down to take a nap amidst the smoke and ash. Lol This shit's bad, yo.

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Shout by Rodrigo Braz

So they just sleep in the worlds biggest dumpster fire?

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A major drop from the premiere. The kids actions just annoy me.

One takeaway I had. The pair following the kids (Elizabeth and Felix)... Elizabeth spoke to Felix about being tired, and that if they reach the "Janitor" (Silas) he will wish he had slept. This makes me think there is more to Silas than we've seen thus far.

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