this episode just made me cry and cry and cry for an hour and thirty minutes

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I actually cried during thos episode. The fact that these young men never lived a childhood due to a failed system hurts. What really hurts is this is a story that was told....I believe this has happened to plenty unknown.

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Powerful and heartbreaking. I can't imagine what being convicted of a crime you did not commit must do to a person's mind.

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This episode was very painful and sad to watch and I cried but so were the previous episodes. Then there were the happy tears at the end. This entire series was a brilliant piece of work.

But I still want to know where the dirty cops planted, um (I mean found?) the sock, and whose DNA was in it? A cops maybe? Why weren't any of those dirty prick cops and DA charged? How are they still getting away with what they have done? And what else have they done? Still no Justice if they are still getting away with their crimes.

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fucking fake democracy and a broken fucking world!! just tell me the year this world will be a better place and I'll time travel to that fucking year!!

I mean "Murica" being the leading nations having such a fucking broken justice system makes me wanna puke and shit bricks at the same time!!

what kind of fucking world we live in, people that "catch" people for allegedly committing a crime should not be in charge of the damn integrations and confessions. Or take "alleged" criminals to a 24/7 live public feed "integration rooms" its 2019 already fucking hell twitch stream it!!

any and all conversation/confession/anything should be live. And cops should be able to produce Solid as Shit after breakfast evidence. What is this self incriminating bullshit. shouldn't even be legal for them to be able to have so much power over "alleged" criminals before the trial. they will obviously use that fucking time to show and exercise "POWER" like they always fucking have!! not only in American but everywhere else on this floating fucking rock!!

Come on already, 24/7 stream everything. Transparency = trust , I don't see another way.

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Well, this just might be Ava DuVernay's masterpiece. My favorite tv episode since Twin Peaks: The Return's "Episode 8" and Black Mirror's "San Junipero". Her rich direction and Jharrel Jerome's devastating performance make for an unforgettable experience, finding life-sustaning nuggets of hope in the face of unbearable oppression.

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In the words of Oprah Winfrey, brava Ava, brava.

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I cried throughout this series,with some happy tears at the end.
This is a masterpiece in storytelling from Ava.
It just breaks my heart knowing that it's just 1 of millions of false accused cases throughout the world

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