I am begging Disney to renew this, that cliffhanger was great, and I freaking adore all the characters to such a point that I was crying/sad eyes whenever a character presumed dead or left the main cast behind. I freaking love the tone, it's less serious than most other shows out there, especially fantasy series. It has helped me get through the past weeks, I've laughed out loud, I've cried, I've felt all the emotions, but mostly I was excited for Wednesday! So thank you Willow, for making me excited about Wednesday!

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Despite some flaws, I really enjoyed this series. It's fun, beautiful cinematography, great dynamics and has served as a wonderful escape. It's tone shifts really makes this the anti Game of Thrones/Lord of the Rings. Willow doesn't take itself to seriously while still giving you the lore, action, and beauty in the Fantasy Genre. I've noted the tone shifts in my past episode comments as something I disliked. I actually learn to not only expect them, but actually enjoy them.

I hope we get more. I feel the cliffhanger has an offered much to explore as we dive deeper into this universe. I want to now buy the Willow books that came out in the 90s (even though they're obviously not canon anymore). Disney/Lucasfilm can really benefit from expanding on their other properties. Star Wars will always be top dog, but Willow/Indiana Jones deserves the expansions they're getting this year.

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The story/plot overall was good enough to be fun, but not especially good.

But this show really does know how to have loads of fun with its characters.

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The one thing I did like throughout the series was the music at the end during the credits ;-)

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A really fun end to the season. Show has been a lot better than it had any right to be.

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It was an enjoyable journey and a very well concluded season finale. Whether it's getting renewed or not... as an all things 80s fan I can comfortably say: " I LOVED IT "

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A weak scenario throughout the episodes, a cut direction and you almost never feel carried away, and it's not by adding recent music, the LGBTQ++ side etc... it's just bad. What a mess

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ig the crone is so powerful thats why she looked so modern? lol

enjoyed it way more than i thought i would

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Great episode but only good season. I hope they can up the game in season 2.

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A weak scenario throughout the episodes, a cut direction and you almost never feel carried away, and it's not by adding recent music, the LGBTQ++ side etc... it's just bad. What a mess

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