A very disappointing first episode. I mainly watched this for Iko Uwais but this convuluted mess of a first episode is going to make it hard to hang on. The story felt like two different shows a fantasy action show and a cop showneither which were that interesting. The episode also had really awkward CGI when it became a fantasy show. The characters felt like types especially Katheryn Winnick's, Christine Gavin, character whose whole purpose was just to put down all the male characters she came across and the drug addict brother played by Lawrence Kao who was the family screw up to the golden child sibling. The only good thing in the episode was the action and if I want to see Iko Uwais in action I'll watch the raid, headshot, or the night comes for us which are all better than this show.

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Storyline is oke...could be better, but do-able.
The acting though... Can be improved a bit. Lots of bits.

But they have the benefit of the doubt and I'll give another episode a chance....

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Iko uwais is great! Boombayah! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwmSjveL3Lc

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The acting, not in general but of certain characters/actors is a bit bland sometimes, not really that much of an issue to me. And the dialogue and acting of Ying Ying is pretty cheesy, at least in this episode. Some of the lines are cliché too. The CGI of the water dragon wasn't great, either. Honestly, it was kind of bad but not to the point of being egregious. I didn't base my feelings and rating of the episode on the fact that it was bad CGI or anything like that. But the premise is intriguing and the episode was surprisingly enjoyable.

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