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Okay, so I did like part of the whole Kelsey storyline especially the discourse on how the patriarchy punishes women but still, do not like. Also, I don't know where that Liza/Josh thing came from but I'm suddenly really, really seeing their appeal more? The way Josh went, 'You wrote the letter to the wrong guy,' CHILLS. Also, I was much more into Liza/Charles before they got together, TBH and what is that age appropriate bullshit Liza sprouted in one of these recent episodes. Ugh

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Ugh. This sucks.

I was so proud of Kelsey last episode. She effed up, and, like a grown up, owned her mistake.
Now, I'm deeply disappointed once again. She regressed into blaming everyone but herself for her mistakes. I don't think it's a matter of men and the patriarchy. If a male in a position of power publicly embarrassed the company he represents, he'd probably step down too. It's the adult, responsible thing to do.

Also, I'm growing tired of the Josh/Charles back and forward. The show is beating this love triangle to death.

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