Robert Roeder


Monett, Missouri


Buried somewhere deep there is a good movie here, but the screenwriting, the budget, and pacing absolutely kill it. Many plot holes. This movie suffers from being completely half baked. With some screenwriting talent and some more money this could have been a decent sci-fi thriller, but as it stands this movie was complete garbage.

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It's hard to believe that a movie with this cast based on a figure hated this deeply could somehow result in a miss, but this movie is an absolute mess. The movie struggles tremendously to pick a tone, often seesawing between parody, sarcasm, and deep drama. It comes across as a parody of itself. With a figure like Cheney it's amazing that you can mess it up.

On top of this, the film is more fiction than fact, and it actively works to create screen time of someone's fever dream rather than historical events. It is an insult to the audience.

Other than having a talented cast this film offends the senses, even for the larger of Cheney haters. A complete disaster of cinema.

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Bird Box

Not a terrible movie, but there really wasn't much of a story. I kept anxiously watching waiting for the payoff that never came. There are some interesting points in this movie, but it just keeps going and going with no reason to care.

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The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

The Lego Movie is one of my favorite family movies of all time, and I was very excited to see the sequel. Unfortunately this movie is an absolute mess from beginning to end. The plot is absurd, like... Really absurd. It doesn't make any sense. The never ending musical numbers are all terrible, and it overall lacks everything that made the first one a success. If I had watched this in the theater I would have walked out. I did the next closest thing. I went to bed and let the family finish it.

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Murder on the Orient Express

A predictable mess of a movie. The pacing is awful, the characters are boring and uninspired, and the twists and turns were all very transparent. Myself and the misses had the ending figured out with half an hour before the reveal, which made the last 45 minutes of the movie excruciatingly slow. Don't bother with this movie, there are much better whodunnits to see.

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This is an excellent documentary that shows that Fake News does in fact go both ways, and that both amateur and professional journalism can fall victim to it. Much of this documentary analyzes not just whether news is factually correct or not, but instead takes a deep look into the kinds of people that get labeled as fake news by mainstream media companies and why this term became weaponized. Utilizing interviews conducted with some of the most controversial modern "alternative media" names, this documentary attempts to get down to the root of the issue... Who is fake news? And it exceeds every expectation as it succeeds in drawing in the viewer.

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Nineteen Eighty-Four

Quite possibly the most nonsensical, disjointed, and boring movie I've ever watched. That's literally all I can think to say. In my bottom 5 movies of all time.

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Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee

A low budget, but very interesting and in depth documentary about a man that has been famous enough to gain the benefits and low key enough to avoid the spotlight. A documentary about the balance of Fame and influence.

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