Samuel Kirk


Omicron Persei 8

The Descent: Part 2

First things first I liked the original movie so seeing this one pop up on Netflix was a surprise to the point I decided to watch it and what do I get for watching it dissapiontmemt.

1. Makes references to the first film and keeps with the continuity not going off on a different story
2. Has the same feel as the first film all the gritty and derp damp dark of the caves under ground.

1. Kills off two of the returning characters right at the end for no reason but a stupid self sacrifice scene only for bs to happen with a old man throwing the last survivor back to the beasts also a scene where one nan gives jus life to save the women he loves only hit her to die straight away.
2. Complete gore fest period if you like this fine but the first movie had suspense and tension thus movie is literally gross out factor followed by gore factor

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