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Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x09 The Measure of a Man

Probably my favorite early episode of Next Generation. The last exchange between Riker and Data moves me to tears every single time.

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STILL: A Michael J. Fox Movie

I loved this documentary. Watching Michael go from his early days of struggling to make ends meet to his breakout roles of Family Ties and Back to the Future and the heartbreaking discovery of his illness was fascinating, inspiring, and most of all, hopeful.

The editing in this film was superb. Whenever Michael would tell a story, we'd hear his voiceover and the scene would be a seamless combination of old footage with a current Michael stand-in, with music to fit the mood. The segments with his family and his physical therapists gave further insight into his life and relationships.

His singular wit and charm shined through the entire production, and I found myself feeling happier once the credits rolled. Highly recommended!

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If you love basketball, you'll love this movie.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x19 The Nth Degree

An excellent episode which explores the acting range of Dwight Schultz.

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Jupiter Ascending

It's clear the biggest chunk of this film's budget went into the special effects and the costumes...because the dialogue is simply awful. After 23 minutes I was ready to turn this off, but I had to see how it ended - even though it was so predictable.

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